15 Side-Effects of Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea (aside from infertility)
Missing periods
When was your last period? Are you currently cycling? Do you have a regular period?
Amenorrhoea is defined as no periods, for a least 6 months. Most women experience secondary amenorrhoea, whereby they did have a natural menstrual cycle, and then it suddenly stopped.
There can be many reasons why your period goes missing, stress being a huge one. And I'm not just talking about emotional stress, but also physical stress, largely in the way of exercise + diet.
When this occurs, it is termed ‘Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea’.
Simply put, the body will not allow reproduction to occur if there are limited resources to sustain a pregnancy.
When our bodies perceive that we are under prolonged, substantial stress, the communication between our brain and our ovaries becomes compromised. Normally, our brains release FSH + LH to stimulate the growth and development of a healthy follicle, and subsequently trigger ovulation.
However, when we are stressed (mentally, emotionally, physically), we have dysregulated cortisol levels (stress hormone) this interferes with the release of FSH + LH, thereby, disrupting our menstrual cycle.
Essentially, the body does not deem it 'safe' to reproduce, so, it temporarily shuts down ovulation and our reproductive cycle.
Whilst, it may seem more ‘convenient’ to not have your period, it is absolutely a sign something is off with your hormones (unless you are pregnant, recently postpartum or breast-feeding).
Side-effects (aside from infertility) that can occur from amenorrhoea:
Low bone density
Low libido / no sex drive
Vaginal dryness / night sweats
Low mood / anxiety
Always getting sick / poor immunity
Cold extremities / poor circulation
Iron deficiency
Acne and skin scarring
Poor memory, focus + impaired balance
Slow metabolism / underactive thyroid
Brittle / thin / dull hair
Poor muscle growth + recovery
Increased cortisol / stress hormones
Increased risk of heart disease
So, if you are certain you are not pregnant (breastfeeding or postpartum), and it has been 6+months without having a period, it is absolutely worth investigating.
Treatment must be holistic, focussing on reducing stress from all aspects of life, including physical, mental and emotional. Dietary and lifestyle strategies, focusing on optimising sleep, stress management and exercise modification, combined with nutritional and herbal medicine, can be particularly helpful to restore nutrient deficiencies and promote hormonal balance.
Need help? Book your 1:1 appointment online today.
Danni x