Meet Our Founder

Hello! I’m Danni, and I’m so happy you’re here!

Like many of you, I struggled for most of my teens and early adulthood with hormonal imbalances. For me, this looked like long-standing amenorrhoea (no periods) and debilitating hormonal acne.

It wasn’t until many years later, when I discovered the world of natural medicine, that I was finally able to heal my hormones, naturally, and regain control over my health and my body.

But let’s start from the beginning…

…I was a ‘late bloomer’. I grew up dancing with a Type A personality (classic perfectionism traits), so my first period came was when I was 17.5 years old.

I was then prescribed the oral contraceptive pill (OCP)… after only ever having had ONE period!

Yep… my GP at the time, thought that that would be a good idea, given I was about to head overseas for 7 weeks. All of my friends, my sister, even my mum at the time, were taking the OCP, so I had no reason to think otherwise.

Yet in hindsight, this was absolutely, the worst possible thing I could have done for my hormones.

You see, I now know, that the pill completely stunted my hormonal development.

It simply severed the connection between my brain and my ovaries, right when that connection was just beginning to form, and overriding my natural hormone production.

My late teens to early twenties…

…consisted of trailing multiple different oral contraceptive pills (Yasmin, Yaz, Estelle, Zoely) and suffering the side-effects of hormonal acne, weight gain, depression and body dysmorphia… just to name a few. My cystic acne meant I was prescribed antibiotics from dermatologists, chemical peels and expensive treatments, to find my acne simply continued to worsen.

And, ironically, the only solution that conventional medicine offered, was to just keep taking the oral contraceptive pill and antidepressants (sound familiar?!).

After several years of feeling let down by our medical system, I chose to stop the pill all together, and unfortunately, my menstrual cycle didn’t return.

After at least 12 months of no periods, I was referred for further investigations.

When all my test results came back ‘normal’, I was given a diagnosis of “Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism”, more commonly known now as “Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea”.

Gynaecologists were unable to explain to me WHY this condition had occurred, and their only solution, for me to simply take the OCP, and to come back when I was ready to fall pregnant.  

And, I'll admit it, not having a period during my twenties was pretty convenient.

But, as the years went on, I began questioning my own fertility…

…So, I dove deep into learning about female hormones, the OCP and the consequences of not having a menstrual cycle, long-term. I was going on 8 years of amenorrhoea at this point.

Aside from the obvious (not being able to conceive), other symptoms I was experiencing included: poor memory, low mood/depression, low bone density, acne, fatigue, poor healing/recovery and absolutely no libido (not ideal), plus an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

My desire to heal myself lead me to complete further study - After completing my (5-year) Osteopathy degree, I went on to finish courses in naturopathic nutrition, women’s nutrition and health coaching and finally my degree in Naturopathy (4-year university course).

Fast forward 10 years, and I am so grateful to have finally recovered my menstrual cycle with the help of naturopathic medicine.

My health journey (thus far), has taught me so many invaluable lessons, inspired my passion for holistic health and nutrition, and fuelled my desire to help educate, empower and support women on their own journeys.

So, this is my story, and this is why I am so incredibly passionate about helping other women, like you, reclaim their health.

Danni x

Dr. Dannielle Coffey

Osteopath, Naturopath, Nutritionist

Founder of WHWC

BHSc./BAppSc (Osteo), BHSc. (Nat)

(Featuring Loki)


15 Side-Effects of Hypothalamic Amenorrhoea (aside from infertility)


4 things I wish women knew before starting on the pill