4 things I wish women knew before starting on the pill

The oral contraceptive pill (OCP) is a method of hormonal birth control, which works by overriding our natural hormone production and suppressing ovulation (thereby preventing pregnancy).

Don’t get me wrong, the pill has provided thousands of women the opportunity to take control of their health, and in some cases, is absolutely the best option to prevent unwanted pregnancies, manage severe endometriosis etc.

However, offering women the pill as the ‘solution’ to their health concerns, (i.e., heavy periods, hormonal acne, irregular periods), without thorough investigation, alongside the advice of simply, ‘come back when you are ready to get pregnant’ is not the answer, and is simply not good enough.

Some of the risks of taking the oral contraceptive include:

  1. It increases the risk of Crohn’s Disease (inflammatory bowel disease) by 50% 

    This is likely due to the change in gut microflora (dysbiosis), increased intestinal permeability and inflammatory markers seen in women taking the oral contraceptive pill.

    PMID: 35452382; PMID: 26658991

  2. It increases the risk of Depression
    Women on the pill have shown to have deficiencies in vitamin B6 B12, folate + tyrosine, KEY nutrients required for the synthesis + conversion of mood-regulating neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine).

    PMID: 27680324

  3. It increases the risk of Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
    Increased synthetic oestrogen from the pill reduces the bodies ability to convert thyroid hormone (T4) into the active version (T3). It also depletes KEY antioxidant nutrients required for optimal thyroid function (zinc + selenium)

    PMID: 32219692

  4. It increases the risk of insulin resistance
    Women taking the OCP have an impaired insulin response, leading to an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes + worsening the risks for PCOS women.

    PMID: 12727935

So, if you have been offered the pill as your only option (without further investigation) just know, you can take back control of your health and work to uncover (and treat) the underlying cause of your health concern.

After all, women should be offered the choice of hormonal birth control with complete transparency - allowing them to make an informed decision, and not as a ‘quick fix’ for their hormonal symptoms.

Need help? Book you appointment online today.

Danni x


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